Legal notice

Egerstraße 12
58256 Ennepetal / Germany
Phone: +49 2333 986-500
Fax: +49 2333 986-555


Privately owned partnership:
ALANOD Aluminium-Veredlung und Verwaltung GmbH

Managing Directors:
Milan W. Krumbe | CCO; Ralf Hillebrand | COO; Frank Weigand | CFO

Court of Registration: Amtsgericht Hagen
Registration Number: HRA 4567

German VAT Identification Number in compliance
with § 27a of the German sales tax statutes: DE126455661

Chippenham Drive
Milton Keynes
MK10 0AN
Registered in England 592752
Phone: +44 1908 282044
Fax:      +44 1908 282032


All materials on this Site, including, without limitation, the ALANOD logo, design, text, graphics, images, software, other files, and the selection and arrangement thereof (the “Content”) are protected by copyrights. You may not reproduce, perform, create derivative works from, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way whatsoever any Content from the Site operated by ALANOD without the prior written permission of ALANOD GmbH & Co. KG respectively any other holder of such copyright. Any infringement will be prosecuted acc. to criminal resp. civil law. All rights reserved.


The contents of this website have been established with the utmost diligence. The provider takes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness, and accuracy of the content. Use of the contents of the website is solely the responsibility of the user. Contents attached to a name give the opinion of the named person / company, and are not always the opinions of the provider. In using the website, there is no contract established whatsoever between the user and the provider.


This website includes links to third-party (external) websites. Any liability connected with these external websites lies solely with the owners of those external websites. Upon the first link to the external website, the provider has checked the external links for statuary violations and is not responsible for the content or views expressed in these external websites. The provider does not produce, maintain or update them, nor can change them. The inclusion of a link to an external website from any website of the provider should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or of the site’s owners (or their products or services). The provider has no control of the linked websites now or in the future for correctness, completeness or accuracy of the content. Upon knowledge that the external website has legal infringements, the provider will immediately delete the link to such a website.

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